
Showing posts from March, 2018

Because sharing is caring

It's definitely Monday

Even though I'm off from work, my to do list never seems to shrink.  Laundry... Even  though its only two people's stuff, it seems to reproduce quicker than rabbits! Shopping.  It never seems to end.  I do most of it in one trip, but then I run out of something or another an need to make another trip.  Post Office is a constant.  No big deal there.

Going to bed early?

Hoping to get to bed "early" .  Watching Gotham.  Have another show to watch, but it's recorded.  I can always watch it later. Getting old blows.  I wanted a nap earlier, but that never happened.   I'm such a cranky ass bitch when tired or sick or sick and tires! Got two of three of my preordered books today.  Already started to read one of them.  The way I read, I'm sure I'll be done with it by this weekend.  If so, I can start the next one early next week.


My phone rings say 4:44 AM.  Wakes me up out of a sound sleep.  Is it some emergency?  No.  Is anyone there?  Again no.  Or if there was, they didn't say a damn thing. If you're going to call me in the middle of the night, it better be a good fucking  reason.  Now here it is, 5:15 and I should be sleeping not wide awake.  I'm sure I'll be taking a nap later! 


Very little sleep last night.  The sleep I did get wasn't all that great.  Put in 10 hours at work.  Totally exhausted, both mentally and physically.  Hoping for some good deep sleep tonight. Glad that I have tomorrow off from work.  Can sleep in and take a nap if needed. Got to do some errands and take care of some other stuff.

Insomnia, you suck!!!!!

Tomorrow is going to suck ass!!! I can't fall asleep.  There are at least a couple reasons. 1.  My brain won't shut the fuck down. 2.  I've got a head cold and am battling allergies. What a combination!? Hoping that I do get some sleep so I can at least fake my way through being a functional adult who at least looks like she gives a flying fuck!  This should be interesting to say the very least. Also hoping to be able to leave on time so maybe I can take a nap before dinner and my shows.  I'm not going to hold my breath on that though.  I never get out on time.

Differences of opinion.

I get that we're all going to have different opinions on things.  I respect that.  I'm willing to have a conversation with you.  Just don't tell me that I'm going to hell for my opinions/beliefs. Your version of hell could be different than mine.  Don't tell me that I'm wrong for having my opinions and beliefs.  Don't try to force feed me yours either. 

Tomorrow is going to suck

I'm so exhausted, I just need a day straight of sleep.  I'm just worried that I may not be totally functional tomorrow at work.  I doubt that I'll get much, if any, sleep tonight.  If I do, it's not going to be restful.


I came down with something Thursday. Left me in the bathroom most of yesterday.  I think I ate something that didn't agree with me.  Feeling a bit better today. Still a little dehydrated, but I'll survive. I'm closing at work tonight and tomorrow night.  Don't know if I'll get any entries in tomorrow. We'll see. 


Why is it some people think the rules don't apply to them????   Seriously people!!!! No need for an attitude just because you don't like the honest answer I gave you.  I am not Willy Wonka.  I'm not going to sugar coat something just to make you happy! I make no apologies for being me.  Men!!! I will not make apologies for my work schedule.  I'm just a worker bee.  I don't have any day in the schedule.  You're an adult.  You have a vehicle!  You're hungry?  Go get food!  I shouldn't have to be responsible for all the meals and snacks!  Good Grief!!!


I'm such a slacker!!!  No entries since Sunday?!?!😀😀😀 Actually, not slacking!!!!  Life happens.  At times, I felt like I was running around with my head cut off.  Appointments, meetings, normal errands, work, etc. Working today.  Errands before.  They (the errands), seem to never end. All I want to do is sleep, but I have to be a responsible adult.


It's Sunday.  Laundry is going.  Dinner is in the crock pot.  Worked on my journal swaps.  Emails checked.  Bills are paid.  Taking a break from it all-priceless! Hoping to start gaming again soon.  We have a group but with everyone's schedule being so different, it's difficult to coordinate times to get together.

Some People!

I'm just so over it. Evidently, I can't do anything right according to some people!  These are the same people who just need to get over themselves! It took a great deal of willpower not to tell them where to go and the quickest way to get there! I so wanted to snap, but losing it at work would've been a bad thing! I've known two women with the same name and to call them bitches would be insulting to female dogs!

Saturday or as my cats would call it, Caturday!

Working today.  Here's to hoping I make it through my shift without falling asleep!  I didn't sleep well last night.  I just couldn't get comfortable.  I think that it is time for a new mattress. Got most of my swaps ready to go out.  Just waiting for partners to be assigned.  I've got a couple journal swaps to do, but I can work on them leisurely.  I've got to go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's eventually to pick up some stuff for my journals.

What Am I going To Do With Myself?

Just waiting for one more swap partner to be assigned for today's swaps so that I can go to the post office to get them sent out.  I then have to get gas and stop at the store.  Other than that, I can just relax today! Going to be working on some of my other swaps today.  I've got some time before they are do to go out though! I'll browse for more today.  Maybe I'll be able to do some with quick turnaround times.

Off from work and off my rocker!

Day off from work!  Woohoo!  Got off from work later than expected last night.  The cleaning process took longer than I thought.  But hey, I'm still learning! I got up way too early.  I feel as if I didn't sleep last night.  Maybe I'll get some sleep tonight.  Maybe I'll even get to sleep in tomorrow!☺ Got errands to do and housework to be done today.  Oh joy!!  A woman's job is never done! I did something to my foot the other day and it hurts like crazy.  I'm just falling apart in so many ways!  It wouldn't surprise me if some random body part just fell off one day.Maybe they